First test to deploy

Table of contents

This first post is a meta post and I'll be writing about how this site is built and what I intend to do with it.


I'm using quotes because I did not set up any server or server-side application, but I configured CloudFront and S3.


Gatsby is a static site generator that has many plugins for content sourcing and theming. I'm using it together with MDX, which allows me to source markdown files with the possibility to use react components in markdown. Don't take my word for it, just check it yourself if you're interested.


For this project I wanted to try AWS, so I got this domain from them and through some trial and error got it to work.


S3, for those that don't know, is the storage service from AWS that I use to host this website together with the Static Website Hosting option activated.


CloudFront is the CDN from AWS that caches the files according to the file's metadata from S3.

From now on

This is gonna be more of a journal of technical experiments, mostly web development and Linux oriented. I could get back with a more detailed overview of the moving parts, including my Gatsby setup. For now, you could just give me an email if you would be interested, since I'm currently trying to figure out a solution for commenting.

© 2020, Built with stubborn css